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Tabush Group's Cloud & Managed IT Blog

Michael Martin

Michael Martin

Michael Martin is a marketing associate at Tabush Group

Recent Posts by Michael Martin:

Do You Need Cybersecurity Insurance?

Cybersecurity breaches are consistently increasing in frequency, and businesses, especially those who handle sensitive information, need to be prepared. Virtually everyone employs safety measures such as firewalls and anti-virus software as the first line of defense. However, when a breach does occur, your business may incur financial losses and be liable for any damages to third parties. Cybersecurity insurance can protect your firm from the fallout of a data breach, mitigating losses and damages.

When Should a Company Hire a Managed IT Service Provider?

Partnering with a managed IT service provider (MSP) can take the heavy lifting off your company, allowing you to focus on your core business goals. Determining when to switch your company's IT to a third-party MSP can be a difficult decision. Here are some of the best indicators to know when partnering with an MSP can be the right decision for your company.

Helpful Tips for Using Microsoft Teams

Microsoft Teams has become a key part of communications for many organizations. The ease of messaging, video conferencing, and collaborating increases productivity and workplace flexibility. Although Teams is simple to use, it is a powerful tool with a variety of useful features. Here are some helpful tips to boost your productivity when using Microsoft Teams.

7 Things Every Employee Needs to Know about Cybersecurity

Cybersecurity is at the forefront of every business owner’s mind, but many fail to realize that their employees are an essential part of their cybersecurity practices. While firewalls, monitoring systems, and anti-virus software are essential to cybersecurity, the human element plays the most vital role in preventing a breach. Employees need to know how to keep themselves, their company, and their clients safe. Here are 7 things every employee needs to know about cybersecurity.

The Pros and Cons of Moving Your IT to a Private Cloud

Over the past few years, “The Cloud” has become a household name, with many people trusting cloud services to keep their photos, videos, and documents safe. However, saving a family photo seems trivial in comparison to storing sensitive business data through a third-party cloud provider.

While some firms are still skeptical about moving their servers, applications, and files to the cloud, many firms have embraced the transition. Regardless of your position, it is important to understand the pros and cons of cloud and whether a cloud service is right for your firm.

To Pay or Not To Pay: How to Handle a Ransomware Demand

Ransomware attacks are ever-growing threats, and law firms need to be prepared. Becoming locked out of your network or applications creates a massive roadblock, costing your firm time, money, and even its reputation. Not only are ransomware attacks becoming more sophisticated, but they are increasingly directed at law firms due to the sensitive nature and high value of their data. If your firm is hit with a ransomware attack, should you pay the ransom?

How Desktop as a Service Is Helping Law Firms Adopt Permanent Hybrid Workplace Policies

A few years ago, a hybrid work environment in a law firm would have been rare, but today it is the norm. From a firm’s perspective, however, supporting this flexibility comes with its own challenges. Cybersecurity, remote access, and productivity, which are essential to efficient and effective law firm operations, can be compromised when attorneys and staff work from home or on the go. That’s where Desktop as a Service (DaaS) comes in. Many law firms have made the switch to DaaS in large part because of its effectiveness in supporting a hybrid work environment.