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Tabush Group's Cloud & Managed IT Blog

Steps to a Successful Cloud Migration

Are you interested in moving your IT to the cloud but not sure how to make the migration process run as smooth as possible?  Well, look no further, Tabush Group is here to help!  The cloud is increasingly becoming popular and it allows companies to focus on what matters - their business - rather than their IT infrastructure.  Proper management and implementation are necessary to achieve your cloud goals. 

Quarantine Profile - Deborah Kaplan

Deborah Kaplan, Marketing Director, is featured as our second Quarantine Profile.  Get to know Deborah here and see what she has been up to during this time of quarantine.

Introducing Tabush Group's Tech Talk Video Series

In our new Tech Talk series, we will discuss hot topics, insights, and best practices in cybersecurity, cloud, and IT.

Listen to Morris Tabush and Darragh Fitzpatrick talk about the importance that technology has played for businesses during the COVID-19 pandemic and hear their thoughts on what firms should consider when preparing to reopen offices.

5 Ways We Love to Show Our Team We Care During COVID-19

Like most employers, Tabush Group was taken by surprise by the COVID-19 stay-at-home orders.  In this crazy uncertain time, our attention went to our employees.  Our team is the heart of our business and we wanted to do everything we could to make sure they knew it.  Here’s a few ways we made sure everyone felt valued and cared for while our lives are all changing so dramatically.

Cybersecurity Matters Especially During COVID-19

The COVID-19 pandemic continues to disrupt global health, social systems, and the economy, while also contributing to another unseen threat: cyberattacks.  Cybercriminals are capitalizing on the fact that more people and businesses are depending on digital tools right now.

Replay: How to Effectively Use Technology During the COVID-19 Crisis

Darragh Fitzpatrick, Partner & EVP of Tabush Group, led an interactive discussion about the 3 ways businesses can implement to enable their staff to have remote access.  He also made recommendations based on best practices and discussed how to best set up your home office.

Phishing Attacks Increase During COVID-19 Crisis

As we mentioned a few weeks ago, cybercriminals are looking to exploit public fears using malware attacks.  Now, spear phishing attacks are increasing at an exponential rate with cybercriminals attempting to capitalize on people working from home and distracted by COVID-19 fears. 

10 IT Recommendations for a Better Work From Home Experience

The Tabush Group Support Team is seeing many common issues from our clients who are all transitioning to working from home.  The following are some recommendations to ensure a good IT setup when working from home. 

Top 5 Work from Home Issues and Solutions

The Tabush Group Support Team is seeing many common issues from our clients who are all transitioning to working from home.  To help speed up resolution and perhaps enable you to attain your own solution, please review the following points.