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Tabush Group's Cloud & Managed IT Blog

Why Law Firms Should Consider Their IT a Strategic Investment Rather than a Cost

Just as your people, location, and corporate culture are intrinsic to how your law firm operates, so too is your IT. When an intrinsic part of your firm does not function well, it largely impacts your firm’s operations and the productivity of your attorneys and staff, ultimately influencing how clients view your firm. By approaching IT as a strategic investment rather than a cost and aligning IT with your operational needs and business goals, your firm can realize efficiencies while gaining a competitive edge. 

How Strategic Investment in IT Enhances a Law Firm’s Operations

Many law firms think of IT as a cost of doing business rather than a strategic investment. As a result, their approach to IT tends to be reactive in nature. When problems occur, such as when the system repeatedly crashes or attorneys cannot access files remotely, the IT team troubleshoots and makes necessary adjustments – until the next issue arises.

How Law Firms Can Safely Store Files in the Cloud

Today, nearly everyone stores something in the cloud, whether it be photos, music, or documents. Cloud backs up your files, alleviates the need to purchase costly extra storage, and easily makes your files accessible from multiple devices. But one must take different factors into account when considering cloud for personal use versus cloud for professional use.

Cybersecurity Training for Law Firms: 5 Things Everyone Should Know

Cybersecurity attacks are becoming more sophisticated and rampant, so it is vital for law firms to take necessary precautions. But cybersecurity is not just a management or IT issue. In fact, everyone at your firm who has a computer needs to play a role to ensure your firm’s systems and data remain secure. 

How Law Firms Can Get the Most from Their Relationship with Their Cloud Service Provider

About 60% of law firms partner with a cloud service provider for some or all their IT needs, according to the American Bar Association. Small and midsize law firms specifically see many benefits in working with a cloud service provider, from immediate access to the latest applications and updates and a stable of IT professionals with a wide range of technical expertise to scalability, predictable costs, and enhanced cybersecurity. But the fact is, some law firms benefit more from their relationship with their cloud service provider than others. Here are some ways to ensure you get the most out of your relationship with your cloud provider.

Benefits of Managed Services for Small to Midsize Firms

Small to midsize firms lack the resources of larger enterprises, but still have the enterprise-size IT needs and security requirements. Whether you’re a firm with a small in-house IT team or no IT team at all, everyone relies so heavily on technology that it is essential not to take any shortcuts. With limited resources, the best way for small to midsize enterprises (SMEs) to build, optimize, support, and defend their technology and infrastructure is by working with a Managed IT Service Provider (MSP). Here are 5 reasons to consider partnering with an MSP to ease the IT burdens your firm faces.

My Favorite Laptops, Managing Partner Forum, Smart Home Amnesia, Bitcoin...and Farm Equipment?

People often ask me what's on my mind, what I'm working on, and what's "new and exciting." Since I'm not big on social media, this is how I share these things a few times a year.

How Does Desktop as a Service Work?

Desktop as a Service (DaaS) is growing in popularity, a trend accelerated by the pandemic. Research firm Gartner projected that the global DaaS market will expand by 253% from 2021 to 2024. While many companies understand that switching to DaaS can provide benefits like enhanced flexibility, efficiency, and cybersecurity, some are unsure of how exactly it works and apprehensive about leaping into new territory. Below is a primer on how DaaS works and what’s involved in transitioning to a DaaS solution. 

Cyber Incident Response Plan: What Is It and Why Your Firm Needs One

With cybersecurity incidents becoming more rampant, firms are realizing that it is no longer a matter of “if” your firm will be breached, but rather “when” it will occur. Cyber criminals are more sophisticated than ever, with new and evolving tactics employed to steal valuable business information. Of course, the first line of defense is proactive protection, but if those measures fail, how does your firm know what to do in the case of a cybersecurity incident? The best course of action is to have a strong cyber incident response plan.