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Tabush Group's Cloud & Managed IT Blog

A Look Back on Our Top 2020 Articles and Videos

With everything that went on in 2020, we published a great deal of content, including blog posts, videos, and external articles. Here, we proudly present our greatest hits of 2020.

The Law Firm of 2021 (and Beyond!)

Last week, the 2021 Report on the State of the Legal Market was jointly released by the Center on Ethics and the Legal Profession at Georgetown University Law Center and Thomson Reuters Institute.  Among the many interesting points uncovered, some key findings include:

Annual Update 2021

We traditionally mail our Annual Newsletter, but much like how 2020 broke all norms, we decided to go digital this year!

Replay: The Future of the Office

In this webinar, we discussed what the office of the future will look like including the physical real estate footprint, technology needs, and business strategy.  Our panelists and moderator looked at trends and opportunities in the real estate market along with workforce well-being related to office spaces.  They also examined technology considerations to maintain productivity and stay connected regardless of whether physical offices stay or disappear.

Cloud's Best Kept Secret

Desktop as a Service (DaaS) provides true mobility with full security 

Our DaaS solution, Boxtop, moves your entire IT to the cloud so that you can be productive from anywhere without the headaches of dealing with servers, remote access solutions, desktops, hard drive crashes, or malware.  Listen to what our clients are saying about their experience with Boxtop.

DaaS Wins in a Crisis

At the onset of the COVID-19 crisis, firms that had Desktop as a Service (DaaS) already in place were able to quickly and efficiently move their entire workforce home with little or no interruption to their businesses.  The same advantages of DaaS that were evident during the COVID-19 crisis, are also advantages during other disturbances to business, such as a major storm, electrical outage, a flood or anything else that prevents regular access to your office.  

Tabush Group's Tech Talk Video Series - DaaS

The next addition to our Tech Talk series is out! In our series, we discuss hot topics, insights, and best practices in cybersecurity, cloud, and IT. 

In this Tech Talk, listen to Darragh Fitzpatrick, EVP & Partner of Tabush Group, talk about cloud options and cloud's best kept secret.

Replay: DaaS: The Answer to All Your IT Needs

We participated in an interactive discussion where we talked about the many benefits that DaaS offers.  Our panel also discussed how DaaS was implemented for their firms and what IT concerns it addressed.

Replay: Uncovering Cloud's Best Kept Secret

We participated in an interactive discussion about cloud’s best kept secret – Desktop as a Service (DaaS).  DaaS combines the functionality and performance of a PC with the security of cloud.  Plus, we heard from firms who have already migrated to the cloud and learned about their experiences.