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Tabush Group's Cloud & Managed IT Blog

Cybersecurity Tips: If You Get Caught Phishing, Prepare to Catch a Whopper!

Phishing remains one of the most common types of data breaches and often leads to a ransomware attack. When ransomware hits your IT, all or substantial parts of your IT will stop functioning and your data becomes compromised. The only way to bring your systems back online is to restore from backup or to “pay the piper,” the cybercriminal, their ransom. While ransoms of the past were in the thousands, they are now typically hundreds of thousands or even millions! In a worst-case scenario, there will be operating losses due to interruption of services when restoring and rebuilding your systems. The other main results of phishing are the stealing of personal or confidential business information, as well as the hijacking of a person’s mailbox, to deliver false instructions to illicit a payment to the cybercriminal.

Podcast: Simplifying and Systematizing Your Remote Workspace

Our very own Darragh Fitzpatrick, Partner & Executive Vice President here at Tabush Group, was recently featured on the Systems Simplified podcast, discussing Simplifying and Systematizing Your Remote Workspace.

Cybersecurity Tips: Four Ways to Protect Yourself

Cybersecurity is something that should always be at the top of mind when it comes to your business. Since the COVID-19 pandemic hit, more people are working remotely, and this is a concern for organizations because home or public networks generally do not have the same security protocols and safeguards in place to protect against cyber threats.

Replay: Tabs3 and Worldox: In the Cloud, without Compromise

In this webinar, our panel discussed how you can have all of the benefits and security of the cloud for everything – your infrastructure, all your applications, and your data.

Podcast: Tighten Up Security and Protect Your Law Firm’s Data

Our very own Darragh Fitzpatrick, Partner & Executive Vice President here at Tabush Group, was recently featured on the Profit with Law podcast, discussing Tighten Up Security and Protect Your Law Firm's Data.

Futureproof Your Firm’s IT with DaaS

2020 changed how we view the workplace.  Moving forward, most firms will no longer be exclusively tied to working in their physical office space.  Based on discussions with colleagues and peers, many firms will downsize (or at least not expand) office space. Instead, flexible work space and flexible schedules will be more typical for most businesses.

The Law Firm of 2021 (and Beyond!)

Last week, the 2021 Report on the State of the Legal Market was jointly released by the Center on Ethics and the Legal Profession at Georgetown University Law Center and Thomson Reuters Institute.  Among the many interesting points uncovered, some key findings include:

Why Law Firms are Moving to the Cloud

Cloud is one of the hot topics in IT and has been for the past few years. Prior to 2010, cloud products were often inferior to their traditional on-premise counterparts. Since then, however, much has changed, including advancements in telecom, mobile devices, and data center technologies.  Combine that with the maturity of cloud providers and products, and now cloud solutions are often positioned as the best option for law firms.

See You at ABA TECHSHOW 2019

Tabush Group will be at ABA TECHSHOW 2019 tomorrow through Friday in Chicago.  Stop by booth #1010  to chat with Morris Tabush and Darragh Fitzpatrick to learn about how we simplify your IT so you can focus on growing your practice. We'd love the opportunity to meet with you, answer your IT questions, and better understand your firm's goals.