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2025 Survey_webinar replay


Results From Our 2025 Law Firm Technology Survey

Recorded on February 25, 2025

Our 2025 Law Firm Technology Survey gathered insights from 140+ law firm leaders on key trends in AI, cybersecurity, and more. Watch the replay for a data-driven breakdown and benchmarking insights to keep your firm ahead.

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Law Survey_2024_Webinar Page


Results From Our 2024 Law Firm Technology Survey

Recorded on March 5, 2024

Watch as we take you on a deep dive into the surprising results of our 2024 Law Firm Technology Survey. We reveal insights from 120+ law firm leaders about cybersecurity, AI, cloud, and more! Watch our replay to get the full story.

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Affinity Change Mgmt Webinar_Webinars Page

Successful Tech Implementations: A Guide to Managing Change at Your Law Firm

Recorded on October 3, 2023

Changing or adding technology can be quite a major project. Third-party partners can be a great source of expertise when navigating these changes, ultimately saving your firm headaches and streamlining the changes. Whether your firm is considering a new SaaS application, changing document management platforms, or deciding to move entirely to the cloud, a third-party partner will increase efficiency and support your firm through its entire journey. Watch our replay and learn what to look for in a third-party partner.

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Underperforming Partner Webinar


From Problem Partner to Productive Partner: Helping Your Law Firms’ Underperformers

Recorded on June 15, 2023

Dealing with underperforming partners is one of those topics that make managing partners and firm leaders cringe. No one wants to have “the talk” with the underperformer. To be an effective leader and to move your firm forward you must address this situation no matter how uncomfortable it makes you. Watch now to learn why underperformance happens and how to create a framework to improve your partner's performance.

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Group of happy young  business people in a meeting at office

2023 Law Firm Technology Survey

Recorded on April 20, 2023

In Q1 of 2023, we asked managing partners and firm administrators to share their thoughts on their firm's relationship with technology. In our webinar, we took a deep dive into the results. A full replay is available below, and a copy of the whitepaper is available here.

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Tabush Worldox NetDocs


NetDocuments Acquires Worldox: Everything Your Firm Needs to Know

Recorded on March 9, 2023

Following NetDocuments acquisition of Worldox, you likely have questions about what this means for your firm. View our Q&A with Former Worldox CIO, Rebecca Sattin and NetDocuments Solutions Expert, Jake Evans.

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Raising the Bar: Using Cybersecurity as a Competitive Advantage

Recorded on June 23, 2022

When your clients choose a law firm to work with, one of their greatest considerations is whether their data and files will be secure. Are you using your firm's strong cybersecurity measures as a competitive advantage?

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A Perfect Union: NetDocuments and Boxtop

Recorded on April 5, 2022

Tabush Group hosted an interactive discussion with DoxAdvisors on the benefits of using NetDocuments in the Boxtop DaaS solution. They also discussed tips and best practices when using NetDocuments.

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law tech webinar


Tabs3 and Worldox: In the Cloud, without Compromise

Recorded on October 13, 2021

We had an interactive discussion on how you can have the best of both worlds – take all the applications you need and gain the security and benefits of cloud!

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Beyond the Billable Hour

Recorded on July 21, 2021

How does your law firm measure productivity? Are you able to turn that productivity into revenue? What are the right KPIs to track?

When looking to measure your law firm's productivity and profitability, the obvious indicator to track is billable hours, but strictly tracking this metric does not always translate directly to a firm's bottom line. Productivity must be considered holistically and profitability forecasted accordingly.

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Cyber Risk in a David vs Goliath World_Cover Slide-2


Cyber Risk in a David vs Goliath World

Recorded on April 15, 2021

We held an interactive discussion on cyber risks and how to achieve a more secure work environment for your law firm. 

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Replay: Worldox Integration with Microsoft Teams

Recorded on  February 11, 2021

Watch our live demo of the Worldox integration with Microsoft Teams, providing easy collaboration and communication. Plus, see how you can take the full version of Worldox Professional to the cloud with Boxtop.

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Replay: Planning for 2021: What Your CPA Firm Must Consider

Recorded on January 21, 2021

CPA firm partners offered insight into operational, technological, and workforce best practices. Our panelists and moderator spoke about what their firms are doing to remain productive while supporting a flexible workforce.

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Replay: The Future of the Office

Recorded on November 5, 2020

Learn about what office's will look like post-pandemic, including the physical real estate footprint, technology needs, and business strategy. We look at trends and opportunities in the real estate market along with workforce well-being related to office spaces. We also discuss technology considerations to maintain productivity and stay connected regardless of whether physical offices stay or disappear.

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Replay: DaaS: The Answer to All Your IT Needs

Recorded on August 20, 2020

Hear this panel discussion about the many benefits that DaaS offers. Hear Boxtop clients explain how DaaS was implemented for their firms and what IT concerns it addressed.

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Replay: Uncovering Cloud's Best Kept Secret

Recorded on July 16, 2020

This interactive discussion is focused on cloud’s best kept secret – Desktop as a Service (DaaS). DaaS combines the functionality and performance of a PC with the security of cloud. Hear from firms who have already migrated to the cloud and learn about their experiences.

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Replay: Remote Solutions for Worldox: Boxtop by Tabush Group

Recorded on June 26, 2020

Watch Darragh Fitzpatrick demo Worldox in the Boxtop cloud to see how it enhances your Worldox experience.

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webinar - how to effectively use technology during the covid 19 crisis


Replay: How to Effectively Use Technology During the COVID-19 Crisis

Recorded on April 14, 2020

Darragh Fitzpatrick leads an interactive discussion about ways businesses can enable their staff to work remotely. He also discusses technology best practices and how to best set up your home office.

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webinar what to do when you dont know what to do


Replay: What To Do When You Don't Know What To Do

Recorded on March 26, 2020

Tabush Group hosts a group of experts to help guide firms through the early days of the pandemic's uncertainty. Our panel provided advice on technology, ensuring company culture, and logistics for remote work.

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